Jewish Museum Berlin

Exhibition 10+5=God
  The Field of Play
  The Universe of Numbers
  The Bank
  The Consulting Room
  The University
  The Kitchen
  The Laboratory
  The Office
  The Arcane
  Contacts/Opening Hours

The Field of Play:
Figuring the Competition

Games convey social rules. In The Journey to Paradise, for instance, children learn teachings central to Christianity, while 40 Years in the Desert is intended to remind Jewish children of the experiences of the Israelites in Biblical times. Visitors to this section can also compare a German and Hebrew version of Scrabble to discover how the small differences between them illustrate the markedly different structure of the two languages.

"MitzvaMan" 613, 1999

Jewish version of PacMan. A player receives bonus points for correctly answering a question... > more
Rikuz/Concern (Monopoly), Palestine, 1940

A different take on Monopoly: Every colored field stands for...
> more
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