Jewish Museum Berlin

Exhibition 10+5=God
  The Field of Play
  The Universe of Numbers
  The Bank
  The Consulting Room
  The University
  The Kitchen
  The Laboratory
  The Office
  The Arcane
  Contacts/Opening Hours

The Power of Numbers and Signs

In the beginning, there was the word. Or was it the letter? Or the number? How the power of our culture’s most basic symbols unfolds in the tension between religious tradition and the conventions of the modern world is the theme of the exhibition 10+5=God: The Power of Numbers and Signs.

The exhibition traces a surprising history of modernity, revealing little noticed connections between science, religion, and the everyday. In eleven thematic sections with a total of over 350 displays it presents a completely new perspective on 200 years of German-Jewish history.

Information concerning the program of events associated with "10+5=God" can be found on the Jewish Museum Berlin web site under the topic 'Special Events'.

Attention: You need Macromedia Flash Player 6 to view the animated version of the hand signs on the following pages. This software can be downloaded for free here.

     Deutsche Version | Imprint | Picture Credits | Layout: rheinmedia